I’ve grown up around kindness. My parents and grandparents are the most selfless people I’ve ever met. In fact, I couldn’t call them selfish if my life depended on it. I know I might sound biased but family or not, I know when someone is a good person.

You don’t need a reason to help people
I guess these traits have rubbed off on me. I tend to put other peoples’ feelings before my own, help others before I help myself and try to think of ways to make someone feel special. Never underestimate the power of a smile, a compliment, a gift or the smallest act of caring. It can turn someone’s day around. Or even their life.
Be the light
I truly believe that kindness can put a bit of sunshine in someone’s day. And your day too. One of my favourite quotes is; “We rise by lifting others” by Robert Ingersoll. And it’s so true. The feeling you get by lifting others is priceless. And there are so many ways you can lift people. For example, by being encouraging, understanding, loving and positive.
No act of kindness is ever wasted
I’m constantly told that I’m too nice. But can you really be too nice? Apparently so. However, I’d rather be too nice than too nasty. There’s enough hatred in the world as it is. Plus, I’ve met my fair share of nasty people and the last thing I want is to become one of them. In fact, they make me determined to be even more kind. It’s easy to hate. It takes courage and strength to be kind.
If you can be anything, be kind
No matter what, I will always be kind. Because kindness is not a weakness. It’s in my nature and part of who I am. That’s all I can be. And if I carry on being ‘too nice’, then so be it. I can think of worse ways to be. In my opinion, you’re never too important to be good to people. Nice girls CAN and WILL finish first!
Lovely post and so well put!
Cass | CassandraMyee
Fantastic, Georgia! I know we haven’t met in person (yet!) but you certainly seem to be a very nice person. As you say, you can tell when someone is kind. Thinking of you, Bridget x