Well, hello April! What better way to start the month than with the Easter break?! I do like Easter, it’s the perfect opportunity to have some time off without feeling the pressure to do things or be anywhere. It’s definitely more relaxed than Christmas!

Top: River Island
Not that I’ve done much relaxing mind you. I’ve certainly been keeping busy! It’s just nice to have a breather from work. I feel quite refreshed already! Sometimes I find that I just need a break from the same old routine. My day job is pretty predictable so the days often blur into one. It’s also nice not having to be in college for two weeks. I really like going but it’s tiring when you work full-time. Not that I’m complaining though. It was my choice to do it and I’ve made some lovely friends on the course.
I’m hoping to progress onto level 3 in September but I don’t want to commit yet until later in the year. I’ve got to pass level 2 first! I’m also thinking to do a lash extension course later this month but it depends whether I can get the time off work etc. Lots of people have asked me what I hope to do with the qualification but to be honest, I’m just happy to have an extra hobby. If I do something with it then great but if not, there’s no harm in the experience. Learning how to apply make-up professionally was something I always fancied doing but never got around to doing it. So last year, I went for it!
Besides work and college, I’ve been constantly working on myself and doing things that my future self will thank me for. Hopefully! As always, I continue to freelance and get my name out there but again, it’s tricky when your day job is the priority. After all, it’s my main source of income! I find that you have to work so much harder to get noticed if you don’t live in London. But I truly believe that there’s room for everyone in the blogging/freelancing world. It’s just a case of keeping going and not giving up!
What have you got in store for this April?