This year has been tough. Bushfires in Australia, political tensions, police brutality, oh and the worst pandemic in recent history. I don’t know a single person who hasn’t been affected by the disastrous events of 2020.

Personally, I’ve had worse years but that doesn’t mean this year has been a walk in the park either. Although, I have had several walks in the park thanks to lockdown restrictions. Plus, the gym was closed for eighteen WHOLE weeks from March to August. It’s closed again due to a second lockdown in Wales but roll on the 9th November when it’s open again.
2020 has made me love, appreciate and pray for my family more than ever. Their health and happiness are genuinely all I care about and I feel blessed that they are still here. This year has also made me feel lucky to have such kind, caring and loyal friends. Thank goodness for them.
Loved ones
Not that I’m materialistic anyway, but 2020 has further made me realise that you really don’t need much in life and its people, not stuff that make the best memories. Where would we be without the company of others? You could be the most successful, richest person with all the possessions in the world but what’s the point if you’ve got no one to share them with?
The simple life
Even though I haven’t had grand plans this year (I did go to Lisbon in January but that feels like a lifetime ago!), I’ve enjoyed the small things – walks, runs, meeting for a coffee outdoors, days at the beach, socially distanced catch-ups in the garden, it’s all been limited but lovely.
Don’t get me wrong, I miss what life was but I try to remember that there are reasons to be grateful for life now. Even on days where I’m feeling a little agitated, like today. It’s normal and it will pass. I’ve got a roof over my head, my loved ones and I live in hope that something exciting could be just around the corner. We all just need to hang in there!