Keeping fit has always been a part of my life. My dad has been an avid gym-goer since I can remember so that’s probably had a big influence. I started going with him when I was about 14 – he showed me how to use the machines and I was in my element watching MTV on the cross trainer!

In my late twenties, I started to take training more seriously. I think I realised that I wouldn’t have the same body that I did when I was 18 and had to do something about it! I could tell my metabolism was slowing down. Plus, I needed to control my anxiety, which became more apparent as I got older.
Better mind
In the past year or so, I’ve become so passionate about fitness that it’s become my priority. As cheesy as it sounds, it brings me nothing but happiness. My body feels better and more importantly, my mind feels better. For me, it’s not a chore. I see it as improving my health and quality of life.
I like to mix things up when it comes to training. The key is to keep moving and do what you enjoy otherwise you won’t keep it up. I love running, cycling, hiking, climbing, yoga, Pilates, barre and ballet. The list keeps growing.
Types of training
I used to be all about cardio but now I include as much strength and resistance training as I can. The lean, athletic look works for me as I’m only 5”2. Toned abs and legs are my favourite but I wouldn’t mind working on my arms some more. I’ve never really concentrated on them until now!
As for fitness goals, they’re ongoing. I still want to train and run the London Marathon, do a triathlon, learn how to do a handstand, climb the highest mountains in the world etc but I don’t have a strict time limit. As long as I keep up what I’m doing now, I’m sure I will achieve all this and hopefully more!