I received this Real Techniques Travel Essentials kit as part of my package from Kilpatrick PR.

It’s a great travel accessory which includes everything you need to create beautiful make-up at home or away. The kit includes 3 full size brushes and a panoramic case, which also doubles up as a stand – how useful!
The essential foundation brush (orange)
I normally use compact foundation which is difficult to apply with a foundation brush so for this review, I used a liquid foundation instead.
As the brush could only cover small areas at a time, it took a while to apply foundation evenly all over my face. Having said that, the size is great for blending concealer under the eyes and around the nose.
My foundation looked flawless, even under harsh light. I’m not sure if I’d have time to use the brush every day (a sponge is quicker for me) but I’d definitely use it on weekends and nights out when I want to look more polished.
The multi-task brush (pink)
For effortless application of powder, look no further than this super versatile brush. I wear bronzer and blusher all the time so it’s a godsend! A pleasure to use.
Domed shadow brush (purple)
Long gone are the days where I apply eyeshadow with naff sponge applicators! The tapered design of this brush smoothly shades and defines eyes with minimal effort. It’s ideal for creating subtle or dramatic results.
Overall, I’m pleased with Real Techniques Travel Essentials. Even though the bristles are synthetic, the brushes feel lovely and soft on my face. The extended aluminium handles are easy to use and lightweight so you don’t have to worry about them being heavy in your handbag. The case looks a bit cheap but it protects the brushes well so it doesn’t really matter. A fab kit which delivers on practicality and functionality – the colours are cute too!