Thank goodness January is over! Did anyone else feel like it was the longest month ever? I mean, I know it’s always a bit boring after Christmas but wow, last month was something else. It didn’t half drag!

Apart from feeling like 100 days long, January itself wasn’t too bad. It was low key for me. I just focused on work, getting back to the gym, taking care of myself and thinking about my plans for the rest of the year.
January also marked a little milestone for me. I’m half way through one of my new year’s resolutions already which is a nice feeling. I’ll share it with you as the year goes on but I don’t want to jinx it at the moment.
I think it’s really important to celebrate your achievements. No matter how big or small they are. I used to think that milestones were only big achievements. Those typical adult milestones you imagined when you were in school. Like getting married, starting a family or getting a promotion.
But they’re not. A milestone can be as small as having a positive week at work, meeting a friend you’ve been meaning to see for ages, booking that yoga class, enjoying a walk in the park, joining a new club, drinking more water, having a good skin day. Whatever makes you happy!

The truth is, if it matters to you then it’s important whether it’s ‘big’ or ‘small’. For example, the ‘big’ stuff matters to me, I’d be lying if it didn’t. But right now, I’m concentrating on the ‘small’ stuff. Because those little things will lead onto bigger things. And I’m looking forward to celebrating the small milestones along the way.
Do the small milestones matter to you? What have you achieved recently? I’d love to know!